Reasons to Learn Ballet as a Classical Dance

Learning ballet offers numerous benefits for children and adults, including those that come with learning a celebrated classical dance form known the world over. This timeless art form goes beyond the grace and beauty it exhibits; it represents a journey through history, culture, and global influences. 

Here are some reasons ballet can make you or your child a passionate classical dance fan and why aspiring dancers from all walks of life should be googling “classical dance classes near me.” 

Ballet as the Foundation of Dance

Ballet skills are often considered foundational to all dance forms, as this art form has had a strong influence on many other performance arts and training methodologies (including in sports). The precision, discipline, and technique required in ballet — which are key components of classical dance as a whole — help to improve abilities in other dance styles and even non-dance pastimes. 

Immersive Learning and Personal Growth

The immersive nature of ballet training fosters personal growth. It instills discipline, enhances cognitive functions, and promotes emotional well-being. When you learn to dance ballet, you commit to mastering techniques and understanding its global artistic and cultural contexts. This dedication to learning can significantly impact an individual’s personal development, enhancing their ability to set and reach meaningful goals.

Ballet’s Role in Education

Ballet is increasingly being recognized for its educational benefits. It teaches not only physical coordination and discipline but also cultural literacy and historical awareness. As students learn about various styles of ballet, they also learn about its past and evolution. By extension, students are also learning about important eras of world and art history. For example, the Romantic era’s focus on ethereal and fantastical themes contrasts with the more grounded and dramatic expressions of the Classical and Neoclassical periods of ballet.

As they learn about ballet history, dancers also absorb facts about other countries as well as important music composers, choreographers, and ballet companies.

Connection to Global Stories and Cultures

One of the most enriching aspects of learning ballet is its deep connection to storytelling and cultural heritage, beginning with its 15th-century origins in Italian Renaissance courts. Classical ballets such as The Nutcracker and Swan Lake depict other historical and cultural contexts. Today, choreographers and directors are adapting famous ballets to reflect the experiences and stories important to those historically excluded from this dance tradition, making the art form more accessible and inclusive than ever.

Ballet as a Universal Language

Ballet is performed and practiced worldwide, making it a nearly universal language of expression. The standardized techniques and movements of classical ballet allow dancers from different countries to work seamlessly with each other and communicate with their audience. Ballet is a codified form of dance that transcends linguistic barriers, enabling a shared understanding and appreciation of the art form.

Learn Classical Ballet With Southern California Ballet

Southern California Ballet is a world-class dance facility in San Diego that trains dancers for a professional career, empowers people for a life of success, and welcomes the community to be part of an extraordinary experience. Our mission is to empower aspiring dancers to reach their full potential and to elevate the community through educational programs and imaginative performances.

Southern California Ballet’s training philosophy has been carefully honed by its artistic directors with the goal of providing effective, healthy, and foundational ballet training. We offer classes for people of all ages (4 years old and up). Learn more about our classes and levels and reach out to join our academy today!


Understanding Ballet as a Classical Dance